“Quality Is Our Vision”

High Quality IT Staffing (HQITS)


Need immediate access to top-tier tech talent? We’ve got you covered!


Harnessing the power of top-tier IT talent is essential in today’s rapidly evolving digital world. That’s where Antra ID GmbH’s High Quality IT Staffing (HQITS) comes into play. We assure you of high-grade, project-based staff augmentation solutions designed to match your unique IT objectives.

HQITS is not simply a service we offer; it’s our commitment to quality that sets us apart. Leveraging our vast reach across Europe and the US, we provide our partners with access to the cream of the tech talent crop.

With HQITS, you’re not just filling a position; you’re gaining an invaluable team member who possesses the exact expertise your business requires to excel. We strive to understand your project requirements and match you with the perfect IT professionals. This is the quality we assure – High Quality IT Staffing.

No matter where your business is – Canada, the US, the UK, the Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, or Hungary – HQITS is dedicated to meeting your project-based IT staff augmentation needs without any hiring fees.

Step into the future of your business with HQITS. ‘High Quality IT Staffing’ – that’s not just our name, it’s our commitment to you.

We’re here to fill your on-demand, top-tier tech talent needs promptly and efficiently. Tell us who you need!


Python Developers JavaScript Developers Java Developers
PHP Developers .NET Developers C++ Developers
Ruby Developers COBOL Developers Mobile Developers
DevOps Engineers Scrum Masters IT Managers, Architects & Analysts
IT Project Managers Software Architects Solution Architects
Business Analysts System Analysts Product Owners
Data Analysts Automation Tester Manual Tester
Test Managers

We’re here to fill your on-demand, top-tier tech talent needs promptly and efficiently. Tell us who you need!


Python Developers
JavaScript Developers
Java Developers
PHP Developers
.NET Developers
C++ Developers
Ruby Developers
COBOL Developers
Mobile Developers
DevOps Engineers
Scrum Masters
IT Managers, Architects & Analysts
IT Project Managers
Software Architects
Solution Architects
Business Analysts
System Analysts
Product Owners
Data Analysts
Automation Tester
Manual Tester
Test Managers

Why us?


  • Remarkable 95% Success Track Record
  • IT Professionals Introduced in Just 7 Days
  • Unbeatable Talent Matching Precision
  • Worldwide Extensive Talent Pool at Your Fingertips

Project development + HQITS = scalability and efficiency

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